16 sept 2018

Benvida 18-19. Códigos Edmodo

Comezamos o curso 2018-19! Desde o Departamento de Filosofía do IES Pedro Floriani desexámosvos unha boa experiencia, moita aprendizaxe e que as notas acompañen ao final.

Para as materias deste Departamento necesitarás rexistrarte en Edmodo. Pica nesta ligazón para acceder e utiliza estas claves:

Valores éticos 18-19 9kw69j
Filosofía 1A 18-19 cmgnnb
Filosofía 1B 18-19 5vkxma
Filosofía 2 18-19 5z2enw

For the students in the Philosophy bilingual class, a warm welcome and best wishes for the coming academic year.
Please, join the Edmodo course Philosophy 17-18 using the password s772v4. You'll love the Philosophy class!

6 sept 2018

Human Rights Map

Group work for Bilingual Philosophy, 4th ESO - 3rd Term.
In collaboration with the Amnesty International School Net for Human Rights.
Our task was making a map of the World and marking on it some places where Human Rights are being violated.

1. Documentation
We used the A.I. Magazine. Some of the news needed update because we keep issues in the school library from the last three years, so we consulted the School Net’s website.

2. Making decisions
Each one of us chose a country and a situation of risk for people and their rights. We decided to make our map with shredded newspapers to show our concern about press freedom all over the world.

3. Writing our texts
We wrote short summaries of the situations we had previously investigated. We tried to keep our expression simple, so we could write in English instead of translating from Galician.
Amy Lavender, our conversation assistant, helped us all the time. Thank you, Amy, you’re always with us!

4. Drawing, shredding and painting

5. Our stories

Donald Trump’s great wall on Mexican frontier.
Environmentalist arrested for protecting a place of great ecological value.
Hundreds of families forced to leave their homes.
Racist discrimination after terrorist attacks.
Discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
LGTB activist murdered.
Chemical weapons, with support from North Korea.
Woman forced to commit suicide for giving birth to a second daughter.
Illegal imprisonment of over 1000 people, including 777 children; hundreds died.

6. The map