17 oct 2019

Who am I? - Starting up Pixton 19-20

Hi! Today we start our work in Pixton. We want to know ourselves better and show others who we are, so we are going to make a comic online.
First, we have to access the web site by clicking on this link: https://www.pixton.com/.
Then we click on ‘for students’, we select use ‘in class’ and ‘sign up’ because we are entering Pixton for the first time, in further occasions we’ll only have to ‘log in’. We type in the class code: 9keyy.
We’re in! We can start our avatar right away. When it is done we can edit it again as many times as we need to. Now, we download it to our computers in two versions: HEAD only and full BODY.
Finally we upload the drawings to the cloud because we’ll hand them in with our comics when we finish our task.

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