14 jul 2016

Liberalism and Communism - Locke, A. Smith, Marx

Clic on the flag for the Galician version

This is our culminating task for the 3rd term: a timeline of the lives of John Locke, Adam Smith and Karl Marx (1600 - 1900).

John Locke (1632 - 1704) was the father of political liberalism. He took part in the Glorious Revolution (1689) and wrote Two Treatises of Government to justify it. He went to the Netherlands to write them because his life was in danger in England (Click on the images to enlarge them).

Adam Smith (1723 – 1799) wrote The wealth of nations (1776), starting the economic liberalism. It was supposed to make people rich, but it made the rich, richer, and the poor, poorer. This is why liberalism was criticized by communism.

Karl Marx (1818 - 1883) wrote the Communist Manifesto (1848). He explained that the liberal society where everybody would like to live, was impossible under a capitalist economy.

Making of
This is how we made the mural.
First, we collected information.

Then, we drew and painted the images.

Finally, we cut them out, pasted them on the mural and hung it on the corridor wall.