12 abr 2014


1ª sesión: O autor e o contexto
Bestas de Inglaterra, Bestas de Irlanda, oíde a miña boa nova

Benvidas/os un ano máis ás charlas filosóficas na biblioteca do alumnado de 1º Bach. A novela que traballaremos colectivamente este ano será A revolta dos animais, de George Orwell.
Os temas das charlas serán os seguintes:
1. O autor e o contexto histórico
2. Personaxes principais
3. Personaxes secundarios
4. Argumento: a acción e os símbolos
5. Utopía-distopía, sátira, conto de fadas
6. Debuxos e creación artística

O contexto histórico

Esta primeira sesión está a cargo de Carla Míguez, Laura Nogueira e Yasmina Ribeiro.

Laura introduce o autor e a época.
George Orwell (1903 - 1950), comunista convencido que loitou pola república na guerra civil española, criticou o stalinismo porque non cría que fose un comunismo. Escribiu tamén Homenaxe a Cataluña e 1984.
Lenin impulsou a revolución soviética seguindo as ideas de Marx nunha Rusia agraria e pobre, tiranizada polos tsares e practicamente sen industria.

Carla glosa as figuras de Stalin e Trotski, tan importantes na historia real coma na novela de Orwell.
O primeiro foi o loitador convencido que quixo estender a revolución por todo o mundo e foi perseguido e asasinado por iso.
O segundo foi o gobernante que se volveu totalitario tras tomar o poder, reprimindo ao pobo cunha dureza extrema.

Yasmina explica os plans quinquenais e a cumbre de Ialta.
Na teoría marxista é condición necesaria para unha revolución proletaria que haxa un grao alto de industrialización, que non se daba na URSS. Por iso Stalin organizou diversos plans para acadala, que acabaron fracasando uns tras outros.
Acudiu tamén a varias cumbres como a de Ialta, onde tratou de igual a igual cos países capitalistas para repartirse a influencia política e militar no mundo.

Materiais para descargar

Nestas imaxes tes links á presentación e o cartel:

5 abr 2014

Hamlet - Our work


This is the work we did on Hamlet. Remember that we have already used some documentation (click on the images):

1. The characters
Our analysis of Hamlet, Ophelia, Claudius, Gertrude, The Ghost, Polonius and Horatio.

2. Topics and Symbols
Read all about Death, The Ghost, Misogyny, Poison, Yorick's skull, Ears and hearing, Oedipus-Complex and Incest in Hamlet.

3. Scenes
Watch our drawings of the scenes into which we divided the play for our study: The Ghost, To be or not to be, The mousetrap play, Death of Polonius, Ophelia drowned, The graveyard and The fencing match.

The most famous quotations from this Shakespearian masterpiece: To be or not to be, Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy and many others...

5. Making of
Images of how we did the work: from the blank piece of paper and the collective writing of some essays, through research and painting, to the hanging of the murals and cleaning up.

4 abr 2014

Hamlet - Documentation

Our collaborative project for 2013-14 is William Shakespeare's Hamlet, in which we'll work with the Department of English. It includes an analysis of characters, topics and symbols.
But, to kick off, we need some information: The first day, we’ll visit the website SparkNotes, where we’ll watch an animation video summary of the play and learn about the main characters and topics and then we'll go through some details, helped by a multimedia summary. The second day we’ll watch some scenes from Kenneth Branagh’s version of the play.
The project consists on making a big size collage of scenes, characters and quotes from the play, pasted on a drawing of Elsinor Castle and a mural gathering the essays, drawings and summaries that we make to prepare the collage. We include a PDF guide intended to help teachers when preparing a similar study.

1. The filmic version
William Shakespeare's HAMLET.
1996 film by Kenneth Branagh.

Click here to look it up on the IMDB

2. SparkNotes
Click on the PDF
to enlarge it
and learn to use SparkNotes

3. Summary
A Power Point summary
of Kenneth Branagh's film

4. Materials for teachers
These are the organisers we used.

They are a summary of SparkNotes' contents
and include a guide to a 41:58 minute summary of the film